
Whoever comes in this website may find a hint

Phage therapy is influenced by:

Phage therapy is influenced by:

Country :
the epidemiological situation is different from country to country in terms of circulating bacteria and bacteriophages. Example: a lytic phages from Italy may be no active on the same bacteria (genus and species) isolated from another country and vice versa.
Mutation rate
Phenotypical delay
Phage cocktail
My point of view

From Wikipedia

If the target host* of a phage therapy treatment is not
an animal the term "
biocontrol" (as in phage-mediated biocontrol of bacteria) is usually employed, rather than "phage therapy".

"In silico"

From:"Genomics,Proteomics and Clinical Bacteriology", N.Woodford and Alan P.Johnson

Phrase that emphasizes the fact that many molecular biologists spend increasing amounts of their time in front of a computer screen, generating hypotheses that can subsequently be tested and (hopefully) confirmed in the laboratory.

Monday 7 July 2014

The blessed Giolo (Jolo)

The blessed Giolo was born of poor parents around in 1250 and brought up in Sellano and he died in 1350. He was an anchorite and he spent  a long time of his life inside a cavern  located on the mount Giove   leading an ascetic life praying and doing penances. In proximity of this cavern around in 1500 was built the oratorio of San Lorenzo.

During his life he helped also  the local families and the  neighbouring Communes  to settle questions and disputations. He died by natural death and immediately after the bells of the Sellano's castle rang unexpectedly by oneself.

The blessed Giolo mortal remains  are kept inside a golden metallic urn placed at the right-hand side of the high altar of the Santa Maria Assunta church.

 The life of the blessed Giolo was told by Lodovico Iacobilli in one of his books in 1656:

S.Severino (  the patron saint  of Sellano) and  the Blessed Giolo are celebrated every year respectively on Saturday and on Sunday  following  the 8th and the 9th of June.